Monday, May 17, 2010

Part 6.

A Victim of Love and Economy

And I couldn't find a job
all of a sudden the economy crashed in 2009
I was so broke, depressed
I was making like thousands of dollars
feeling kind of sketchy
I knew I was trying to break away from it
slowly slowly I almost split away from it
then came that massive blow-up
and I was so pissed off
and I blamed her for the last two years of my life
I told a few people, and that planted little seeds and whispers
you know how Nashville gossiping is
so I put a little thing here, a little thing there
and over the last few months
everybody knows about this guy now
what does that do?
it gives me a sense of justice
maybe Ill just get him ousted

I don't want him to go and talk to other people about what I know
Well he will now
What do you mean?
I don't want him to go make himself look like the
good guy.
does that make sense?
so thats why…
You know in the end, ultimately we always have a chance to redeem ourselves
our goal is to try to not to have to redeem yourself from anything
I used to believe that, until I went to negative town
and I was stuck in negative town
and I was vulnerable to....
the level of deception…
ultimately women understand a lot of the complex, sometimes it takes a lot of dudes a while to understand, the mental aspect of a relationship….

Monday, November 16, 2009

Part 4.

Between a Middle Aged Woman and 20 Something Guy

That's right
I can't tell the difference anyway!
Oh, (laughing)
I'm in Nashville right now
Yeah, Ok, bye

Who was that?

He's really really smart
He went to Harvard, his kids went to Harvard
He's only like 5 feet tall
He's married to Karen Summers*
I don't really like how he uses himself for examples

she continues, but too hushed

It kind of makes me think you need to see another psychiatrist...

* Out of respect for this persons privacy, this name has been changed

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Part 3.

Between a girl and boy ~ 

I feel trapped, I don't know what I'm gonna do
He's not like everything I've always wanted ~ but I feel like when you do find the perfect person, you're so afraid of them leaving you that you find a way to sabotage it...

Part 2.

Between two 20 something girls ~ 

I mean seriously, the most bubbley girl in the world
This is my fantasy
She slept in the girls bed
I was frantic
I was freaking out, crying
Our lives, like replica
It's uncanny. It's uncanny
The girl is a lovely person
She'd call at 10:00 and say "sleep with me"
I'm sorry the way I treated you
He is so cute, so cute
Do you believe that though?
I don't love him, but I'd do anything for him
I'm the same way with underlying issues
So emotional. I love it.

Part 1.

Between two business men ~

Boy, girl romance imagery
She's a feminist queen
The life as he knows it and the things he's missing out on
I was smoking cigarettes before art class
Damaging himself
Running around with a surly crowd
Tried to get on the same page - The path of least resistance 
It's just unemployment, if we don't deserve righteousness